Cafe Creme Cigars – were sometimes called as Cafe Creme Finos these little cigars were first presented on the tobacco market in 1883. Coming from Scandinavian, these days, it has extended to more than 115 different countries. Throughout the years, it has turn into one of the preferred cigar brands, both in the cigarillos and little cigar categories.
These little cigars possess a great mixture of gentle, dry-cured tobaccos of top quality, using a Java wrapper and a cut tobacco leaf known as homogenized binder. It gives a light and at the same time long-lasting full tasteful flavor, which has been noticeable amongst various other little cigar brands worldwide. It offers a very strong and soothing but pleasurable high-class aroma and even though the smell is noticeable, it sets apart its quality from other cigar brands, by not leaving that tobacco smell in clothes or on hands.
The Cafe Creme Cigar is undoubtedly a market leader, in such countries as France and the UK, but is also highly popular in a number of other countries too. It does come in a vast range of flavors: Cafe Creme, Cafe Crème Arome, Cafe Crème Blue, Cafe Crème Filter Tip Arome, Cafe Crème French Vanilla, Cafe Crème Italian Macchiato.
Millions of tobacco aficionados from all over the world smoke cafe Crème Little Cigars and it is almost impossible for a cigar enthusiast to not have ever tried the excitement of such a world famous cigar.
It is the bestselling cigar brand that retains its position for well over an incredible 100 years.