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Posts Tagged ‘bond cigarettes’

Adult Smokers Dropped in North Dakota

Thursday, September 15th, 2018

The percentage of adult smokers in North Dakota dropped from 2008 to 2009, and the director of the state’s tobacco prevention center heralded the decline as an indication its programs are working.

The percentage of adult smokers fell from 18.6 percent in 2008 to 17.4 percent in 2009, according to figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention cited Wednesday by Jeanne Prom, executive director of the North Dakota Center for Tobacco Prevention and Control Policy.

Nothing else – including tobacco prices – can explain the drop, and the decreasing rate of adult smokers is in line with falling tobacco sales tax figures, Prom said.

“If the price would have gone up a lot, that would have explained it,” she said of the drop in smokers. “Unfortunately, that didn’t happen.”

The state’s comprehensive tobacco control program, which voters approved in 2008, follows CDC guidelines and includes support for local public health units and a public information campaign.

“Health communications is a very important part of this comprehensive program,” Prom said.

Also, local smoking bans, which voters in seven communities around the state have approved, including Fargo and West Fargo, now cover more than a third of the state’s population.

Smoking bans are important because they tell young people that the social norm is not to smoke Bond cigarettes, and because they provide an incentive for smokers to quit, Prom said.

The 2009 rates of adult smokers are lower in Minnesota and South Dakota, where statewide bans and higher tobacco taxes are in place.

In Minnesota, 14.9 percent of adults smoked, and the tobacco tax is $1.586 cents per pack. In South Dakota, the adult smoking rate was 15.4 percent, and the tobacco tax is $1.53 per pack.

North Dakota’s tobacco tax, last raised in 1993, is 44 cents per pack, less than a third the U.S. average of $1.46 per pack.

As a result of a statewide vote in 2008, North Dakota now spends $9.3 million a year on tobacco control, or $14.67 per capita, Prom said.

New No-Smoking Zones at Warragul

Thursday, September 8th, 2018

Five people have been issued warnings this month for smoking in new no-smoking zones at Warragul in West Gippsland. The Baw Baw Shire Council has banned smoking Bond cigarettes near playgrounds, shopping malls, council buildings and on some streets within the Shire.

The Mayor of the Baw Baw Shire Council, Diane Blackwood, says no smokers have been fined since the trial began.

“We have had to warn five people that they need to take more notice of the signs,” Councillor Blackwood said.

“I understand that it’s what they’ve done every other day, they just don’t acknowledge that the situation has changed.

“People are within their rights to point out to people that the conditions down in those areas have changed. It’s an awareness thing,” she said.

No Luxuries Cigarette Packages Increase Smoking Rate

Thursday, August 25th, 2018

Plain packaging of Bond cigarettes is set to go ahead in Australia in a world-first move to cut smoking rates. The Federal Government’s Bills to introduce the reform passed the House of Representatives last night – and is expected to be backed in the Senate, The Advertiser reported.

A push by the Coalition for tobacco companies to be permitted to stamp their brand on cigarette cartons failed.

The debate on the reform was overshadowed by Queensland Coalition MP George Christensen claiming that “smoking is fun”, and NSW Coalition MP Alex Hawke suggesting “life kills”.

“I’ve got news for the Minister for Health and the Government – life kills people. It’s a dangerous activity, life. There are no laws we can pass to prevent that,” Mr Hawke said.

All tobacco products sold in Australia will be required to be in plain packaging by July 1, 2019.

Ban on Smoking in Public Places Unenforced

Monday, August 8th, 2018

The ban on smoking in public places has not come into full implementation. Even lawmakers were found puffing on Bond cigarettes inside the premises of the Constituent Assembly building.

The Tobacco Control and Regulation Act-2068 that came into effect from Sunday bans smoking in government offices, educational and health institutions, airports, public vehicles, daycare centres, religious places old-age homes, orphanages, clubs, public toilets, industries, factories, theatres, cinema halls, hotels, restaurants, canteens, hostels, lodges and guesthouses. However, smokers still seem oblivious of the new provision and are found smoking in public places.

RSS found many people smoking while walking through public places. People who have knowledge of the new provision are also found smoking, challenging the authorities.

When asked how the authorities are preparing to implement the anti-smoking law, Assistant Spokesman of Home Ministry Yek Mani Nepal said the Home Ministry was not informed about the law on time, so it couldn’t conduct monitoring in the initial days. But effective monitoring process will start and the offenders will face action, he said.

People who sell cigarettes on footpaths are ignorant of the Act. “I don’t know that we can’t sell cigarettes in public places,” said Mangali Tamang, a vendor who sells cigarettes on a nanglo.

Government officials have been calling for public support to implement the ban. Health Secretary Dr Sudha Sharma said all should help implement the anti-smoking law. She also said an awareness campaign will be launched nationwide to implement the new provision.

Those violating the law are subject to pay fine from Rs 100 up to Rs 100,000.

On the other hand, tobacco companies must allocate 75 percent of the space on packets, wrappers or labels of any tobacco product for anti-tobacco use messages and pictures.

The Act gives permission to licensed shops to sell tobacco and forbids the sale of tobacco to people under the age of 18 years and to pregnant women.

Delaware County’s Cigarettes Smoking Ban Legal

Thursday, August 4th, 2018

A court hearing set for Tuesday to decide the legality of Delaware County’s Bond cigarettes smoking ban was canceled after the judge in the case bowed out. Delaware Circuit 3 Judge Linda Ralu Wolf recused herself from the case, in which local tavern owners, tobacco shops and some fraternal organizations sought to have the ban thrown out before its Aug. 11 implementation.

Wolf told The Star Press she removed herself from the case because her husband is a longtime member of AmVets Post 12, one of the litigants seeking to have the ban thrown out.

“That’s why I was concerned about any appearance of impropriety,” the judge said.

The attorneys in the case have seven days from Friday, the day she signed the order of recusal, to agree on a new judge. If that doesn’t happen, Wolf will appoint a panel of judges from which the attorneys can choose.

The new judge in the case will reschedule the court hearing.

In the meantime, Wolf noted, the Aug. 11 ban is on.

“The implementation date remains in effect until an order of the court, but at this time there is no such order,” the judge said.

County Commissioner Donald Dunnuck, who voted for the ban and is the attorney for the county health board, which advocated it, agreed.

“I can’t imagine being able to select a judge and having a hearing before the 11th,” Dunnuck said. “So the ordinance will go into effect Aug. 11 and we will enforce it.”

Attorney Bruce Munson, who represents the Delaware County Licensed Beverage Association, AmVets Post 12, American Legion Posts 19, 167 and 446 and Low Bob’s Tobacco — which last week filed the lawsuit to overturn the June 6 smoking ban enacted by the Delaware County commissioners — said he didn’t know that Wolf’s recusal was over her husband’s connection to one of his clients.

“I didn’t know that, and I can appreciate that,” Munson said Tuesday.

Munson said that even if Wolf didn’t have that concern, he could understand a local judge being reluctant to hear the dispute.

“It’s a hot potato for a judge to handle,” he added

Murray Independent Schools Go Smoke-Free

Wednesday, August 3rd, 2018

Murray Independent Schools will go 100% tobacco-free following a decision by the school board during a special-called session last week. The policy would ban tobacco-use on school property by administration, teachers and staff effective January 2019. Teachers and staff are currently allowed to smoke Bond cigarettes in designated areas. The policy is one recommended by both the Kentucky Departments of Education and of Public Health.

MISD Superintendent Bob Rogers says the policy is being implemented at the beginning of next year to give employees who use tobacco time to quit. He says the school district is planning to offer its employees assistance to quit smoking through a program, which has yet to be determined or devised.

Fewer Films with Tobacco, Less Teen Smoking

Monday, July 18th, 2018

best bond cigarettes The number of US movies in which an actor lights up Bond cigarettes fell sharply between 2005 and 2017, and this could have contributed to the decline in smoking among US teens, a study released Thursday says.

A majority of movies — 55 percent — that scored huge box office success in the United States in 2017 had no scenes that included tobacco use, compared with a third of top-grossing films in 2005, the study released by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says.

In the same six-year period, the number of what are called “tobacco incidents” in top-grossing movies fell by 56 percent — but still clocked in at nearly 2,000 scenes where an actor used tobacco either openly, on screen, or implicitly, off-screen, the study says.

“The percentages of 2017 top-grossing movies with no tobacco incidents were the highest observed in two decades,” the CDC says in the study published in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report.

“The decreased presence of onscreen smoking might have contributed to the decline in cigarette use among middle school and high school students,” it says.

A study released last year by the CDC found that the percentage of middle school students in the United States who smoked cigarettes fell from 11 percent to five percent between 2000 and 2009 and those who “experimented” with cigarettes fell from nearly 30 percent to 15 percent.

Use of other tobacco products, such as cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco, was also down among middle schoolers, generally aged between 11 and 14.

Among high school students, smoking was down, too, although less sharply, the 2017 study showed. Seventeen percent of high school students smoked cigarettes in 2009 compared with 28 percent in 2000, while three in 10 high schoolers tried smoking two years ago, compared with nearly four in 10 in 2000.

An analysis of four studies linked 44 percent of teens who started smoking with seeing tobacco products being used in movies, the CDC says in the study released Thursday. Most people start to smoke or use smokeless tobacco products when they are teens, the CDC adds.

With studies pointing to a link between less smoking on the silver screen and fewer teens taking up smoking, the US Department of Health and Human Services has made reducing youth exposure to onscreen smoking part of its 2017 strategic plan to cut tobacco use.

Three of the six major US movie companies have policies to reduce tobacco use in their movies, and the number of tobacco incidents in their G and PG movies fell from an average of 23.1 incidents per movie in 2005 to a single incident per movie last year, the study says.

“Tobacco incidents” were 10 times more frequent in movies made by independent companies and the three major studios that do not have anti-tobacco policies.

The study did not indicate which movie studios have anti-tobacco policies and which do not. Earlier this year, Paramount Pictures came under fire from the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) for its PG-rated animated feature “Rango,” which shows several characters using cigars and a cigarette.

“The hero, a chameleon, swallows a cigar and breathes fire in the face of a villain,” the AAP noted in March, shortly after the film was released.

“It is a mystery why Hollywood?s masters of storytelling and visual effects have not found a better way to depict their characters without the danger of influencing young people to light up.”