Smoking cigars is one of the popular enjoyments among men. The best way to categorize cigar is to differentiate it by size and shape. When speaking about the size, the length of a cigar is usually measured in inches, while its width is measured in ring gauge (a diameter of 64th of an inch).
As about the shape, at present are distinguished three shapes of a cigar:
- Pajero
- Figurado
- Small cigar
Pajero – is the most spread shape of a cigar. It has a cylindrical body, with straight sides and an open end. The other end of the cigar has a round cap, which should be cut using a V-shaped cutter, before lighting up the cigar. Manufacturers distinguish two main varieties of the Pajero style – panatelas and coronas.
- Panatelas – is a long and thin cigar. Some examples of panatelas cigars are: Carlota, Slim Panatela, Panatela and others.
- Coronas – is a bit shorter and wide cigar than Panatelas. The most spread variants are: Robusto, Corona Gorda, Toro, Presidente, Dalia.
Figurado – is an unevenly shaped cigar, considered of the premium quality due to difficulty in their production. Despite that fact that these cigars lost their great popularity in the 1930’s, they realized to conquer smokers once again. A lot of producers have started producing the figurado. The most famous variants are:
- Torpedo – has some similarities with parejo.
- Perfecto – is thin at both ends and quite prominent in the middle.
- Presidente – has a shape of parejo, but at the same time is though to be a figurado due to its huge size.
- Culebras – three long cigars joined together.
- Tuscanian – true Italian cigar, created for the first time in 19th century. It is a ling and slim cigar possessing a very saturated flavor.
Small Cigars – on the basis of the name, small cigars have a little size and are not similar to the regular ones. They have some similarities with cigarettes both in size and shape. Small cigars weigh less that ordinary cigars and cigarillos. The most popular brands of small cigars are Café Crème and Colts, which are available in diverse flavors and provide a very pleasant taste.