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Posts Tagged ‘smoking’

Filter for tobacco cigarettes

Filter for cigarettes is usually a device made of spongy material, for example, paper, cotton, cork, applied to the cigarettes’ end to absorb moisture, tar, nicotine and various admixtures. In 1952 Lorillard tobacco Company began to manufacture first cigarettes with filter “Kent”. Filter holds more than one third of nicotine that cigarette contains. But carbon [...]

100-year-old celebrates her birthday by smoking 170,000th cigarette

An iron-lunged pensioner has celebrated her 100th birthday by lighting up her 170,000th cigerette from a candle on her birthday cake. Winnie Langley started smoking only days after the First World War broke out in June 1914 when she was just seven-years-old – and has got through five a day ever since. She has no [...]

PAPER: men who screen negative for lung cancer are a bit less likely to try to quit smoking.

December 21, 2017 – Dutch researchers have found that men who screen negative for lung cancer are a bit less likely to try to quit smoking than men whose scan is inconclusive and requires follow up. The findings in the European Respiratory Journal add to the debate over whether patients will perceive negative results in [...]

Rochester airport fires up cigars to stoke business

David Damelio, director of the Greater Rochester International Airport, enjoys a good cigar — and has charged thousands of dollars worth of them to the county-run airport in the name of business development. Financial records for the Monroe County Airport Authority, the agency that oversees the airport, show that the authority footed the bill for [...]

Tobacco Display Legislation Introduced in Parliament

Associate Health Minister, Tariana Turia has said that there is a need to get more serious about the risks of smoking and the harms caused by smoking. Therefore, legislation was today introduced in the parliament in an attempt to discourage smoking by removing displays of tobacco products in dairies and other retail outlets. She asserted [...]

Almost 1.1 billion pounds are spent annually by Scots on smoking

Scottish economy spends 1.1 billion pounds annually on anti-smoking campaigns. Expenses like economic impact of illness brought about by smoking are considered by Scotland ash, along with lost productivity from workers going for smoking breaks. In the opinion of the charity the cost of the public in contrast to the 940 million pounds the Scottish [...]

Stores’ Tobacco Ads Targeting Children, New Survey Conten

Health: Teens sent into markets and gas stations by an anti-smoking group say posters and displays are often near candy aisles and at eye level to youngsters. Stores’ Tobacco Ads Targeting Children, New Survey Contends VENTURA — Children are exposed to a barrage of smoking advertisements near cashiers and candy aisles every time they walk [...]

‘Step Forward’ in Limiting Smoking Scenes in Films

LOS ANGELES — The figures are in: Hollywood has actually been snuffing the smoke out of movies. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released a report on Thursday showing that scenes of smoking in high-grossing films fell to 1,935 “incidents” last year, down 49 percent from a recent peak of 3,967 in 2005. The [...]

Smoking isn’t just bad for your lungs

No matter how you slice it, puffing on a cigarette, or any other tobacco product for that matter, simply ups the ante for more health complications. Smoking causes nearly 1 in 5 deaths each year. About 8.6 million Americans suffer from smoking-related chronic conditions, including chronic bronchitis, emphysema and heart disease. Cancer The smoking-cancer link [...]


Simple…  Simple was the goal of Keith Park when he created his new line of cigars called Sencillo.  Mr. Park is the CEO of the the company that has brought us great cigars from Prometheus like God of Fire and Angelenos. “The best things in life are simple pleasures. Let’s savor each moment.”     [...]

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