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Zenph Plans Moving to American Tobacco

The Durham-based music technology company Zenph Sound Innovations Inc. has plans for a new office space in the American Tobacco Campus. The approximately 11,000-square-foot space, in the campus’s Power Plant building at 320 Blackwell St.,will be Zenph’s new headquarters.

The space will be outfitted with the “latest in recording and acoustic technology,” according to the company’s website.

The first phase of the construction for the new headquarters, which will cover about 7,000 square feet of the space, is estimated to be $964,667, according to Durham City-County Inspections.

The cost for the second phase of the project, which covers 3,685 square feet of space, was estimated to be at around $547,601.

Roy Brockwell, assistant director of Durham City-County Inspections, said building permits were issued on Sept. 1 to allow construction to begin, but he said recently that no inspections had yet to be completed.

Brockwell said an inspector made a note on Jan. 14 stating that construction was ready to begin at that time.

Company officials from Zenph and from the American Tobacco Campus declined to comment for this article.

Zenph uses a software-based process to analyze audio recordings of a performance — from the notes to the timing and other aspects unique to a performance — and then stores that information in high-resolution, digital files, according to the company website. The company’s technology allows it to create recordings and live “re-performances” of compositions.

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