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Archive for the ‘Smoking Cigar’ Category

Teddy Bears Smoking Pipes at Local Shop

Teddy bears, dolls and toys right next to smoking pipes and cheap Plai cigarettes. On Friday, we heard from parents that a store in a Brandon mall was selling the seemingly unrelated items together. It was a store setup parents Aaron and Christi McKeen described that needed to be seen to be believed. Bay News [...]


New No-Smoking Zones at Warragul

Five people have been issued warnings this month for smoking in new no-smoking zones at Warragul in West Gippsland. The Baw Baw Shire Council has banned smoking Bond cigarettes near playgrounds, shopping malls, council buildings and on some streets within the Shire. The Mayor of the Baw Baw Shire Council, Diane Blackwood, says no smokers [...]


Cigar Tastings in London

The indulgent Number Ten Manchester Street hotel in London, part of the Bespoke Hotels UK portfolio, has launched an exciting calendar of monthly cigar tastings. Hotel clientele and any members of the public with a passion for cigars are invited to enjoy a hand-picked selection of cigars and Bond, along with complementary brandies, as part [...]


Cigar Lover Against Clayton’s Smoking Ban

Arthur Gallagher used to enjoy strolling down the street every morning, getting a cup of java and a newspaper, and smoking a cigar in Concordia Park, near his home in the DeMun neighborhood. “It’s one of life’s simple pleasures,” said Gallagher, 55, a retired vineyard owner from Napa, Calif., who moved to Clayton about three [...]

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