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Posts Tagged ‘anti-smoking’

England Plans to Remove Tobacco Display within 100 Days

Tuesday, January 3rd, 2019

cheap bond cigarettesThe Gibraltar Government has said it will closely monitor a new initiative that will see supermarket retailers in England remove tobacco displays within the next 100 days. Britain’s Department of Health said the ban would protect young people who were often the target of tobacco promotion. From 6 April 2019, customers in England will still be able to buy Bond cigarettes online in the normal way, but the ban will mean cigarettes will have to be kept under the counter in supermarkets.

Smaller shops do not have to change their displays until 2022, while Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are also moving toward similar bans.

“Ending tobacco displays in shops will protect young people from unsolicited promotions, helping them to resist the temptation to start smoking,” said Prof Dame Sally Davies, the chief medical officer for England.

“It will also help and support adults who are trying to quit.’”

Smoking kills more than 80,000 people in England every year, the chief medical officer said.

Anti-smoking campaigners have argued that displaying cigarettes near to things like chocolate and crisps makes smoking seem like an everyday part of life.

Gibraltar has no plans at this stage to follow England’s lead, but the issue is under review.

“We will keep a close eye on these developments as part of wider plans to encourage and help people to stop smoking,” a Government spokesman told the Chronicle.

Prior to being elected in government, the GSLP/Liberals had included a lengthy pledge on smoking in their manifesto.

Although they did not give a timescale for implementation, action on smoking is likely to be a key priority for the new government.

At the time of the election the Alliance, in common with the GSD and the PDP, promised changes and reforms on this issue to reflect overwhelming medical evidence that smoking causes cancer and other health problems.

“We will introduce a ban on smoking in enclosed public places in Gibraltar which will be accompanied by a GHA programme to help those who want to stop smoking to do so,” the GSLP/Liberals said in their manifesto.

“We will offer restaurants, bars and social clubs generous tax and rates advantages to amortise any potential loss of business as a result of the smoking ban.”

“This is an important progressive step for Gibraltar that should enjoy cross party support.”

The Alliance also said there would be a permanent anti-smoking campaign in comprehensive schools and youth clubs.

Cigarettes Safety Standards

Friday, December 23rd, 2018

New cigarette safety standards have come into force in an attempt to cut the number of people killed in house fires. They mean that every online Kiss cigarette sold in the EU must meet a reduced ignition propensity (RIP) requirement.

Cigarette paper must have special bands at intervals down its length so that, once lit, a cigarette will go out if it is not actively smoked.

The change has been welcomed by safety campaigners and anti-smoking groups.

According to latest figures from the Department for Communities and Local Government, around 2,800 fires in the UK were caused by smoking materials in 2008 -101 people died and 932 were injured.

It is estimated the new cigarettes could prevent 1,800 fires, 67 fire deaths and 600 casualties a year in the UK.

The anti-smoking charity Action on Smoking and Health (Ash) believes the new cigarettes could dramatically reduce the number of house fires.

Its director of policy and research, Martin Dockrell, said “Cigarettes are without doubt the most dangerous consumer product on earth – they kill 50% of people who use them.

“Finland has already introduced RIP cigarettes – last year the number of smoking-related fire deaths there fell 40%.

“You have to ask yourself why the tobacco companies resisted this change for so long. This simple change will dramatically reduce the number of household fires,” he said.

The London Fire Brigade has lobbied for the new safety standards to be adopted since 2005.

The chairman of London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority’s Community Safety Committee, Councillor Susan Hall, said the introduction of the law is a “watershed moment” for UK fire safety.

“Cigarette fires are a killer, destroying lives and properties across the country every day”.

“These new safety standards amount to an all-out attack on the single biggest cause of fire deaths in the country. But people still need to take care. Never smoke in bed and always dispose of cigarettes carefully,” she said .

Amendments to Anti-Smoking Legislation

Monday, September 19th, 2018

The Shoura (Consultative) Council Sunday approved amendments to the anti-smoking draft law. The Council unanimously approved the law’s amendments and articles, and took all necessary measures to curtail smoking Fluieras cigarettes among people of all age groups.

During its fifth session, which was presided over by Sheikh Dr. Abdullah Bin Muhammad Ibrahim Aal Al-Sheikh, the Shoura Council discussed the Ministry of Higher Education’s annual report for the fiscal year 2009-10 and commended King Abdullah for his unlimited support for the education sector in general and the higher education sector in particular.

This support was manifested in a Royal Decree issued Feb. 23 that said all students studying abroad at their own expenses should be added to the scholarship program if they meet its requirements, the Council noted.

The Shoura Council called for restructuring academic plans and curricula, and adopting regulations and laws that are compatible with vast developments in the higher education field in the last five years.

It also called for increasing the number of postgraduate students admitted into highly demanded specializations that are in line with development plans and the local market’s needs.

Council members also called for paying more attention to scientific research at universities.

Smoking Ban New Policy Won’t Work

Thursday, September 15th, 2018

An Ottawa city councillor says a proposal to extend the reach of the city’s anti-smoking bylaw will be unenforceable. Council on Wednesday instructed the city’s board of health to examine the proposal, which calls for public beaches and parks to be completely smoke free and makes smoking Chesterfield cigarettes on outdoor patios allowable only after 8 p.m.

Bob Monette, the lone councillor who voted against studying the proposal, said the city doesn’t have the staff to enforce the smoking ban. Councillor Bob Monette says a proposed extension of the city’s anti-smoking bylaw goes too far. CBC

He said he expressed similar concern about a 2007 bylaw to deter people from idling their vehicles. Since the law came into effect, only four charges have been laid.

“The proposed bylaw is not manageable,” said Monette, the councillor for Orleans.

“How do you define where a person should be smoking and where they shouldn’t be smoking,” he said.

“Does that mean pathways… or does that mean the whole park. If we’re talking about patios does that mean you step off the patio and stand on the walkway? Do we ban the walkways after that? It’s not going to be enforceable,” he said.

Monette said as a former smoker he’s in favour of reducing second-hand smoke. But he also said the proposal goes too far in limiting where people can legally smoke.

“They do have rights, and we have to define what those rights are,” said Monette.

Mayor Jim Watson supports the tougher bylaw and as a former provincial cabinet minister he helped usher in the Smoke Free Ontario Act. But he said the board of health is being consulted to ensure the city makes the right decision.

“Smoking is still an emotional issue in our community,” said Watson. “Patios have become the de facto smoking section but anything we do must protect public health… but I also want to make sure we get it right.”

The board of health will report back to council early next year and the public will be asked to comment on its recommendations.

Tobacco-Free Group Backs Kennedy for Mayor

Friday, August 5th, 2018

A national anti-smoking group is targeting the Indianapolis mayoral race. The Washington-based Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund is endorsing Democrat Melina Kennedy, who pledges to extend the ban to bars and clubs.

“I think it means to her that the public health community is taking notice of this campaign,” said Kevin O’Flaherty, Director of Advocacy at Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.

Kennedy has said if elected she will push for extending the city’s smoke-free ordinance to bars, clubs and bowling alleys.

“We should have a smoke-free city,” she said. “We’re the 11th largest city in the country and it’s time we do that.”

O’Flaherty said the non-profit group typically focuses on just a handful of races each year, races where they think they can make a difference. He said Indianapolis is one of the few large Midwest cities that doesn’t have a comprehensive ban. Those that do include Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis and Milwaukee.

O’Flaherty said Republican Mayor Greg Ballard has “shown no leadership on the issue, essentially killing a comprehensive ban two years ago,” when he vowed to veto a proposal being considered by the City-County Council.

“There’s no controversy over whether this is a harmful substance… to say to these workers they don’t deserve the same protection Mayor Ballard has when he goes to his office I think is reprehensible,” O’Flaherty said.

Ballard defended his position, saying the current ordinance was tough enough, covering “all but 350-400 organizations that still allow smoking Karelia cigarettes.”

He said a broader ban “wouldn’t pass the council anytime soon….I understand all the arguments of what they’re saying but every city has a place where they want to go on this issue and we are where the city wants to be right now.”

The mayor also expressed doubt the smoking issue would factor in the election, saying he planned to focus on jobs, public safety and infrastructure improvements.

But at the Indianapolis Senior Center, where several people describe themselves as health-conscious and very likely to vote, the issue could have traction on both sides.

Asked if it might influence her vote, Eveyln Frye said, “I think it will, yes. I think you should have those freedoms.”

Frank Pike, who smoked for 30-plus years before quitting, said, “I think it’s an issue where government should move in and enforce it. I think Indiana is behind on almost all health issues.’

Pike said it could effect his vote.

“If Ballard is not taking a firm stand on this and he’s lackadaisical about it, I’m concerned and I voted for him,” he said.

While Ruth Hartman said she thought “we’ve been too tough on smokers these days,” she wasn’t sure it would wind up as a big issue.

“Other issues are probably more important, such as the economy and jobs,” she said.

Luevenia Emery, meantime, said while she thinks “you should be able to smoke in bars,” it wouldn’t change her vote.

Emery said, “I vote Democratic across the board anyway.”

O’Flaherty said The Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund hasn’t decided how it might contribute to kennedy’s campaign. In the past, they’ve helped candidates through campaign contributions or advertising and direct mailing.

Government Provides Nicotine Gum, Patches For Free

Tuesday, May 10th, 2018

B.C. smokers that want to kick the smoking habit will get a hand from the government with an offering of free nicotine gum and patches, Premier Christy Clark announced Monday. Beginning Sept. 30, the government will pay for a 12-week supply of gum or patches, or cover anti-smoking treatment through Pharmacare. Clark says the new initiative will likely cost between $15 and $25 million, depending on how many Virginia smokers try the program.

Judging from a random sample of 12 smokers outside Vancouver’s Waterfront Station on Monday, the cancer-fighting program should be popular.

Doug Robertson of Mission was one of 10 smokers who said they’d likely give the gum and patches a shot this fall. He noted the government rakes in tax revenue from tobacco sales, so it’s only fair they help smokers quit.

“They sort of let us get hooked on [smoking] so now they can help get us off it.”

Pam Worsfold of Yale, B.C. — a smoker of 32 years — said she had never tried nicotine patches before but would do so in the fall.

“If they gave it to me, I’d attempt it. It’s a very good idea.”

But one woman, Michelle Hales, said “I don’t smoke that much. I think it seems worse to have nicotine pumping through you blood stream all the time [from a smoke cessation product].”

More than 6,000 British Columbians die annually from tobacco use, according to the government, costing the B.C. economy about $2.3 billion each year.

B.C. will join three other provinces — Quebec, Saskatchewan and Ontario — that also fund smoking-quitting products for citizens. Government figures show about 555,000 British Columbians smoke. At 14.9 per cent of the population, that’s the lowest smoking rate in Canada.

Clark’s announcement was applauded by the Canadian Cancer Society B.C. and Yukon.

“B.C. has the best cancer outcomes in the country and lowest smoking rates in the country, however, the fact is 12-15 per cent of the population continues to smoke,” said Cathy Adair, Vice-President of Cancer Control for the society. “This step will go a tremendous way to reducing further the number of people who end up fighting lung cancer.”

Scott McDonald, CEO of the BC Lung Association, said that most smokers have a tough time “quitting cold turkey,” yet “quit smoking aids can help people not only quit but also prevent them having a relapse and starting to smoke again.”

Do Anti-Smoking Messages Work Best?

Monday, April 18th, 2018

Winston and other cigarette packets in the UK must, by law, be adorned with stern general warnings to smokers. “Smoking kills” and “Smoking causes infertility” are just two grim, but very truthful, examples. Although these messages can work very effectively, can tailored anti-smoking communications have an even more significant effect?

A new study, which was published in the Nature Neuroscience journal, shows that personalised anti-smoking advice had a greater effect on certain parts of the brain. Test subjects were exposed to various anti-smoking messages – some were general, applying to all smokers, while others were adapted to the subjects’ individual life histories.

The researchers found that these tailored messages stimulated two parts of the brain much more significantly than others. These parts of the brain were responsible for the people’s self-perceptions: their ideas about how people around them viewed them.

Doctors say the impact of being told to quit smoking by a friend, relative or doctor, face-to-face, can be psychologically greater than that of a general warning.

Nonetheless, warnings on cigarette packets have been effective. Studies have demonstrated that, in countries where cigarette packets feature health messages, there is greater awareness about the health conditions that tobacco can cause. Conditions that smoking is related to include: heart disease, lung cancer, infertility, impotence and high blood pressure. Smokers who give up face a lower likelihood of developing these conditions.

In America, Time Magazine points out that advice on cigarette packets has become notably harsher. In the 1960s, one of the first messages displayed on containers was: “Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health.” Modern packets read: “Surgeon General’s Warning: Smoking Causes Lung Cancer, Heart Disease, Emphysema, And May Complicate Pregnancy.”