Marlboro is a brand of cigarette.It is well known for its stand advertisements of the Marlboro cowboy. Nowadays its the bestseller-cigarette-brand all around the world. Philip Morris, a London-based cigarette producer, created a New York branch in 1903 to sell some of its cigarette brands, which include Marlboro too. By 1925 they made advertisement of Marlboro cigarettes as a lady’s cigarettes based on the ads slogan “Mild As May”.
The Marlboro cigarette brand was sold in this role until 1940 year when the Marlboro cigarette brand stumbled and was removed from the cigarette market for a while. In the 1945, three cigarette brands: Lucky Strike cigarettes, Camel cigarettes, and Chesterfield cigarettes showed up and established a company hold on the cigarette market. But, in the 1950s Marlboro cigarettes impressively came back. Marlboro cigarettes posted a new Marlboro man image in promotion and the sales soar up by 5000%.
During the same time the journal published a series of articles about smoking Marlboro cigarettes. Philip Morris began a legacy of bold moves to meet market challenges by taking a virtually unknown woman’s cigarette and reintroducing it with a new masculine face and filter in the midst of the first lung cancer reports.
Philip Morris Cigarette Company and the other cigarette companies began to market filtered cigarettes. The new Marlboro cigarettes with a filtered tip were launched in the beginning of the 1955 year.
The brand is named after Great Marlborough Street, the location of its original London factory.
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Marlboro Country
Marlboro Man

Tags: marlboro, marlboro cigarettes