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Posts Tagged ‘karelia cigarettes’

Smoke Rings

Monday, September 12th, 2018

A new report by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention concludes that the national smoking rate has dropped over the past five years, from 21 percent of adults in 2005 to 19.3 percent last year.

That means a decline of 3 million smokers. And the percentage of smokers who consume 30 or more cigarettes a day has dropped from 13 percent to 9 percent.

That’s the good news, but the smoke rings don’t obscure a grim side. In Ohio, the smoking rate rose to 22.5 percent last year from 20.3 percent in 2009.

Some 45.3 million Americans still smoke. The CDC says 443,000 Americans die of smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke each year. Smoking costs the country $96 billion a year in direct medical costs. Tobacco remains the single largest preventable cause of disease, disability, and death in the United States.

A slow decrease in smoking is better than none, but the five-year decline was much slower than the drop over the past 40 years. Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the CDC, says tobacco will kill about half of all smokers if they don’t quit. At this rate, adult smoking will fall to 17 percent by 2021, but that does not meet the CDC goal of no more than 12 percent.

Next year, unless the tobacco industry wins a court fight, cigarette packs will bear gruesome new warning labels. But it is discouraging that after all the efforts to curb tobacco use — from smoke-free laws, increases in tobacco taxes, and anti-smoking programs — that about one in five U.S. adults still smokes and the rate is dropping only slowly. The only cool thing about smoking is the corpse that so many smokers become.

Province Censured on Quit-Smoking Plan

Thursday, September 1st, 2018

Add Ralph Semple to the list of critics of B.C.’s plan to fund therapy for smokers. The president of South Surrey-based Imagine Laserworks said the government will spend $15-$25 million per year – based on its own estimates – on drugs he claims are not only ineffective, but also pose documented health risks to the public.

And he says he is taking his concerns to NDP health critic Mike Farnworth.

“His office is very keen to talk to us,” Semple said.

Imagine, which has operated locally for the last decade, offers laser acupuncture treatments to help clients stop smoking Karelia cigarettes. But Semple said the B.C. smoking cessation program, set to start Sept. 30, ignores alternative therapies to focus exclusively on pharmaceuticals such as nicotine gum and patches, or prescription pills.

“It’s not just about us,” he said. “What about acupuncture, or all the hypnotherapists’ offices or counselling? Why is this focused on supporting one industry? The BC Liberal website says they support small business, but in reality they’re supporting the pharmaceutical industry.”

The Ministry of Health, however, maintains that its drug coverage decisions are the result of a “rigorous” review process.

In a statement, ministry spokesperson Brian Cotton said the process “considers clinical evidence, cost effectiveness, input from clinical experts, information from other jurisdictions, available resources and existing programs and policies.”

Semple said he tried to have Imagine’s services included among government-covered therapies after the program was announced in May.

“I got the basic runaround,” he said. “They reported back to me that Health Canada doesn’t recognize laser acupuncture as a therapy.”

But Cotton said additional evidence is required on the “efficacy, safety and cost-effectiveness” of laser acupuncture before it could be considered under the program. He noted that PharmaCare would not cover it in any case, as it’s not classed as a prescription drug or a medical supply.

“The ministry is pleased to continue discussions with the laser therapists, should additional evidence… become available,” he said.

Semple’s attack on the smoking-cessation program also extends to specific prescription drugs that will be covered under B.C.’s plan, including one that has been the subject of Health Canada warnings and another that is the subject of numerous class-action suits in Canada and the U.S.

“People will assume if the government is paying for it, the government is endorsing it – that it’s good for them,” he said, adding that physicians have been slow to warn patients of potentially fatal side effects of such drugs.

“Is (Premier) Christy Clark’s government going to assume responsibility for class-action lawsuits?”

Cotton said the health ministry is completing a review of drugs that will be covered.

“The final decision will need to measure safety concerns against clinical evidence that shows the benefit of the drug in patients trying to quit smoking,” he said.

In addition to safety issues, Semple said the government’s decision to fund over-the-counter nicotine- replacement therapies ignores studies that show they have a success rate of less than eight per cent.

“It’s like telling an alcoholic, ‘if you want to quit drinking, switch from Scotch to Vodka’,” said Semple, who claims Imagine’s success rate is between 85 and 94 per cent.

In business for 13 years, Semple says his criticism is not simply sour grapes for having his therapy passed over for government support.

“People come to us as a last resort anyway… because the other things don’t work,” he said.

Speak with Your Child About Tobacco Smoking

Thursday, August 25th, 2018

It’s almost time for kids to return to school. But, before they go back, experts say parents should take some time to talk to them about the dangers of tobacco. Even though you have to be 18 to buy Karelia cigarettes and other tobacco products, it’s not hard for teens to get their hands on tobacco.

And experts say you may not even notice your kids have these products, because you don’t have to just smoke cigarettes to ingest tobacco. They have flavored cigars, items that look like mints but are really dissolvable tobacco, and even gels that contain nicotine.

Michele Houghtaling of the Hampshire Council of Governments in Northampton told 22News that these products can lead to smoking cigarettes, which can lead to other drugs. “Between the ages of 12 and 17, if they start smoking between those ages, they are at an 11% higher risk for other illicit drugs. Typically 16% higher to start using alcohol.”

Houghtaling said the best way to prevent your kids from trying cigarettes or other tobacco products is to have a serious conversation with them about the dangers and side effects of using tobacco.

The Perfect Cigarette – Electronic Cigarettes

Thursday, August 11th, 2018

Smoking, as we all know is one of the root causes of major diseases like cancer, kidney failure and many more. Smoking Karelia cigarettes is more an addiction than a habit for many and it is hard for one to leave smoking in a given number of days.

E-cigarettes has come as a boon helping smokers as a better cigarette replacement. These E-cigarettes greatly reduce the danger of smoking a real cigarette and cost lesser than a few packs of real cigarettes. These electronic cigarettes have FDA approved chemicals such as propylene glycol or glycerin that helps to create the same sensation while smoking a real cigarette but causes very less damage to health compared to the original one.

Websites like ecigsbrand and are now offering these e-cigarettes that are made with the help of advanced technology and promise a 30 day money back guarantee for every e-cigarette package they sell.

The technology used to make these e-cigarettes is also advanced as this cigarette replacement that offers true tobacco flavor is free of deadly substances like tar, carbon monoxide and carcinogens.

What sets these e-cigarettes sites apart from other sites that sells cigarette replacement is that everything comes in a package? Accessories such as the USB charger, refill cartridges and box to keep the e-cigarette are offered (for free most of the times) along with the e-cigarette purchase. The technology used to make these e-cigarettes is also advanced as this cigarette replacement that offers true tobacco flavor is free of deadly substances like tar, carbon monoxide and carcinogens.

This best part though about these cigarette replacement sites is that one can get a free 15 day trial on all the e-cigarette products sold. With deaths caused by smoking increasing day by day, it is high time for smokers to embrace technology and buy e-cigarettes, which could well be the life saver in many ways!

Heavy Cigarette Smoking On the Decline

Monday, August 8th, 2018

A recent report from researchers at the University of California at San Diego has revealed that the habit of smoking Karelia cigarettes at least one pack (20 cigarettes) a day has severely declined over the last fifty years. Investigators observed that the rate of decline was particularly noteworthy in California, where lung cancer rates also fell in proportion to the reduction in smoking rates.

The data and the corresponding interpretation of the study were printed in the Journal of the American Medical Association’s March 2018 issue.

The UCSD study showed how much smoking has declined since the early 1960s. According to reports, more than fifty percent of all adult smokers in the US smoked at least one pack per day. That number fell to just over forty percent by 2007. “Moderate” smoking (10 to 20 cigarettes a day) rates also fell. In California, the number of moderate smokers fell from 11.1 percent of all adults in 1965, down to 3.4 percent in 2007. In other states, the number fell from 10.5 percent of all adults down to 5.4 percent.

The study credits much of the decline to smoking education programs. In 1964, the US Surgeon General released the first major findings on the correlation between cigarette smoking and lung cancer. Two years later, the Food and Drug Administration required mandatory warning labels on all cigarette packaging. Today, most cigarette packs and cartons carry warning labels, including warnings about how smoking can complicate pregnancy and lead to low birth rates in pregnant women who smoke.

Another factor attributed to the reduction in smoking rates is the development in new technologies to combat nicotine addiction. One of the primary reasons that smokers find quitting so difficult is the intense nicotine addiction that smoking brings. The invention of nicotine patches, lozenges and gums as part of a smoking cessation program has helped millions of smokers quit the habit over the last twenty years.

In addition to federal mandates requiring the addition of warning labels to cigarette packaging, many state and municipal jurisdictions created anti-smoking laws and ordinances. Several states added higher taxes to cigarettes, with California among the first to enact such statutes. Also, many cities passed local laws prohibiting smoking in bars, restaurants and public buildings.

Public awareness campaigns, such as those conducted by the American Heart Association, the American Lung Association and the American Cancer Society, also helped bring the issues of cigarette smoking to the attention of the American public. The campaigns highlighted many of the dangers that surround cigarette smoking, including lung cancer, throat cancer and emphysema.

As California took the lead in many of the anti-smoking efforts, the study also showed how lung cancer incidence rates declined in the state well before other states saw the same results. Deaths from lung cancer peaked in 1987 in California, with 109 per 100,000. The death rate fell to 77 per 100,000 in 2007. In other states, the lung cancer death rate peaked in 1993 at 117 per 100,000 and fell to 102 per 100,000 in 2007.

Tobacco-Free Group Backs Kennedy for Mayor

Friday, August 5th, 2018

A national anti-smoking group is targeting the Indianapolis mayoral race. The Washington-based Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund is endorsing Democrat Melina Kennedy, who pledges to extend the ban to bars and clubs.

“I think it means to her that the public health community is taking notice of this campaign,” said Kevin O’Flaherty, Director of Advocacy at Campaign for Tobacco-Free Kids.

Kennedy has said if elected she will push for extending the city’s smoke-free ordinance to bars, clubs and bowling alleys.

“We should have a smoke-free city,” she said. “We’re the 11th largest city in the country and it’s time we do that.”

O’Flaherty said the non-profit group typically focuses on just a handful of races each year, races where they think they can make a difference. He said Indianapolis is one of the few large Midwest cities that doesn’t have a comprehensive ban. Those that do include Chicago, Cleveland, Minneapolis and Milwaukee.

O’Flaherty said Republican Mayor Greg Ballard has “shown no leadership on the issue, essentially killing a comprehensive ban two years ago,” when he vowed to veto a proposal being considered by the City-County Council.

“There’s no controversy over whether this is a harmful substance… to say to these workers they don’t deserve the same protection Mayor Ballard has when he goes to his office I think is reprehensible,” O’Flaherty said.

Ballard defended his position, saying the current ordinance was tough enough, covering “all but 350-400 organizations that still allow smoking Karelia cigarettes.”

He said a broader ban “wouldn’t pass the council anytime soon….I understand all the arguments of what they’re saying but every city has a place where they want to go on this issue and we are where the city wants to be right now.”

The mayor also expressed doubt the smoking issue would factor in the election, saying he planned to focus on jobs, public safety and infrastructure improvements.

But at the Indianapolis Senior Center, where several people describe themselves as health-conscious and very likely to vote, the issue could have traction on both sides.

Asked if it might influence her vote, Eveyln Frye said, “I think it will, yes. I think you should have those freedoms.”

Frank Pike, who smoked for 30-plus years before quitting, said, “I think it’s an issue where government should move in and enforce it. I think Indiana is behind on almost all health issues.’

Pike said it could effect his vote.

“If Ballard is not taking a firm stand on this and he’s lackadaisical about it, I’m concerned and I voted for him,” he said.

While Ruth Hartman said she thought “we’ve been too tough on smokers these days,” she wasn’t sure it would wind up as a big issue.

“Other issues are probably more important, such as the economy and jobs,” she said.

Luevenia Emery, meantime, said while she thinks “you should be able to smoke in bars,” it wouldn’t change her vote.

Emery said, “I vote Democratic across the board anyway.”

O’Flaherty said The Tobacco-Free Kids Action Fund hasn’t decided how it might contribute to kennedy’s campaign. In the past, they’ve helped candidates through campaign contributions or advertising and direct mailing.

How Far Will Anti-Smoking Legislation Go?

Thursday, August 4th, 2018

L educ has beaten Strathcona County to the punch. Historically, Strathcona County has implemented a number of bylaw initiatives that have led to the Alberta Legislature making similar laws. In fact, the county was the first municipality in the province to implement a smoking Karelia cigarettes bylaw, which was soon after adopted by the Alberta government.

Now, Leduc has made the first step towards taking smoking away from people in their own private space, implementing a bylaw that states nobody can smoke in a vehicle when a child is along for the ride.

I agree with the bylaw. Smoking should be kept out of the immediate oxygen supply for children. They don’t choose to have an adult smoking next to them, but if they had a say, I bet they would opt against it.

Here’s my problem: Where is the line drawn?

It’s great that the community of Leduc is implementing this bylaw, but how far does that reach extend, or how far will it grow in the near future?

People choose to smoke. It’s a conscious decision, as is drinking or gambling. While it is definitely an addiction, it is still a choice.

Putting legal implementations on private ownership is a slippery slope.

How far down the line is a bylaw saying people can’t smoke in their homes if a child is present?

I’m not saying that’s wrong, I’m simply playing devil’s advocate in stating the limitations of the law.

It’s not farfetched to sit with the opinion that the more limitations that are placed on a group of people, the more individuals in that group will rebel.

Anyone who has ever attended a concert at Rexall Place can see where I’m coming from. If somebody wants to smoke badly enough, they will. I’ve been to numerous concerts over the years where I’m surrounded by people lighting up their cigarettes (and other smokable substances) around me. They don’t want to miss the concert, but their addiction is telling them they need a cigarette.

Telling people they can’t smoke in Rexall is right. Making smoking illegal in public places is right. Restaurants have a much more clean feel since smoking and non-smoking sections stopped existing. Let’s face it, a line of booths separating the two sections never did much.

Still, smoking is now banned from public parks — it’s allowed in more private parks than public now — and that’s outdoors. While I would frown upon anybody lighting up a smoke when there’s a child standing next to them in a park, it is their right to smoke in the great outdoors.

It seems governments are simply tip-toeing around slamming the tobacco companies themselves. That’s clear in the soon-to-be-implemented legislation that require tobacco companies to make their warnings cover 75 per cent of a pack of cigarettes.

Smoking is unhealthy, but smokers know that and they don’t need to be an ostracized, segregated part of a community.

I’m a “laissez faire” kind of guy. Let’s keep the children safe, but keep the government hand out of an industry that is driven by choice. The tobacco tycoons don’t force people to smoke. It is a choice.