A highland shop that sold cigarettes to an under-age “customer” has been hit by two fixed penalties of £200. Highland Council’s Trading Standards department issued the two notices after a test-purchase exercise undertaken across the Highlands that involved the use of a young volunteer. The £200 penalties, which were new sanctions introduced by Scottish legislation earlier [...]
Posts Tagged ‘marshal cigarettes’
Number of Smoking Teens Rises
According to Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (CTUMS), in 2017 the number of youth smoking in Alberta went up 5%, bring the total to 17%. Compared to the rest of Canada, which saw a drop in the rate of smoking youth. “There are several factors that are probably involved. One of the things that we [...]
Lighting Up Could Become Costly
Smokers are likely to face taxing times as Ministry of Finance has put forward a proposal to introduce a tax of 29 per cent on a pack of Marshal and other cigarettes. A packet of 20 cigarettes is currently sold for Dh7. The rate of smoking tobacco in UAE (cigarettes/Madwakh/Shisha) among adults is about 18 [...]
Australia Invests in Tobacco Firms to Pay Lawmakers Pensions
Australia, which is introducing some of the toughest anti-smoking laws in the world, invested A$147.7 million ($148.2 million) in shares of tobacco companies including British American Tobacco Plc (BATS) to pay for politicians’ retirement. The government’s Future Fund — established in 2006 to cover pension costs of retiring lawmakers, judges and public servants — held [...]