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FDA Warns Online Retailers against Selling Flavored Cigarettes

On Friday, the Food and Drug Administration sent out a warning to several web based companies to stop the sale of banned flavored cigarettes to American customers immediately. Letters were sent this week to over a dozen online retailers which stated that they were violating a latest ban.

The letter also demanded that the companies confirm in writing the actions that have been taken by them. In September, the FDA banned cigarettes which were candy, fruit and clove flavored as the Federal health authorities and regulators are of the view that these products are very appealing to youngsters and contribute to making experimental and new smokers, permanent smokers.

“FDA takes the enforcement of this flavored cigarette ban seriously”, Dr. Lawrence R. Deyton, director of FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said in a statement. “These actions should send a clear message to those who continue to break the law that FDA will take necessary actions to protect our children from initiating tobacco use“.

The ban on manufacturing, marketing, import and distribution of flavored cigarettes is not applicable on menthol based cigarettes and/or tobacco products like cigars which are flavored. Currently, the FDA is researching these products and their stance is doubtful as well.

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