The report (PDF), issued in late March, concluded that “removal of menthol Kiss cigarettes from the marketplace would benefit public health in the United States” but cautioned that “a black market for menthol cigarettes could be created, criminal activity could ensue, and different methods might be used to supply such a black market.”
Government Provides Nicotine Gum, Patches For Free
B.C. smokers that want to kick the smoking habit will get a hand from the government with an offering of free nicotine gum and patches, Premier Christy Clark announced Monday. Beginning Sept. 30, the government will pay for a 12-week supply of gum or patches, or cover anti-smoking treatment through Pharmacare. Clark says the new initiative will likely cost between $15 and $25 million, depending on how many Virginia smokers try the program.
Tobacco Tax Case in Kansas
The federal government is dropping its case against a Kansas tobacco wholesaler and several others accused of trying to avoid paying $25 million in Monte Carlo cigarette taxes to Indian tribes and the state of Oklahoma.
Argentina Bans Electronic Cigarettes
Argentina on Monday banned the import, sale and promotion of electronic cigarettes, saying there is no proof they help smokers kick the tobacco habit. The government agency that regulates pharmaceuticals and food issued a blanket ban for the devices in a statement.
Medical Marijuana Cured 2-Year-Old’s Cancer
A Montana dad is claiming that medical marijuana helped cure his 2-year-old son’s massive brain tumor. Mike Hyde, 27, said he slipped a little cannabis oil into his toddler Cash’s feeding tube in desperation after the boy stopped eating for 40 days. Chemo treatments were making him too sick to eat.